PFP Newsletter

Fall 2024

From the Department Head

Martin SeayAlumni and Friends,

Since our last connection in the spring, the department has had robust summer and fall semesters that have integrated many of our stakeholders, from students and faculty, high schoolers and community members, and alumni and industry partners. We were excited to partner with Powercat Financial and welcome a new program director. We saw positive changes and growth in our Ph.D. Summer Session, Professional Connections Event, and the Summer Financial Planning Academy. According to Wealth Management magazine, we were selected as the #1 PFP program in the country. Our evolution at the undergraduate and graduate levels continues to spark interest locally and nationally, and we continue to expand our online and Olathe programs. We are thrilled to highlight one of our more profound industry partners, Meritrust, and their contributions to our program, the university, and surrounding communities as well as spotlight one of our Doctoral students and her achievements. In this newsletter, you will hear about all this and more.

But…Before diving into department updates, I and my team wish you and your families a joyous holiday season and good tidings as we enter a new year. Thank you for being our extended family. Please keep us up to date with what is going on in your personal and professional lives!

holidaygreetingsMartin Seay, Ph.D., CFP®


Meritrust, an Industry Partner Highlight

Meritrust LogoWhether supporting our programs through awards and scholarships, space rejuvenation, or being a resource for our students and faculty, they have solidified their position as one of our top industry partners.


Powercat Financial Hires an Executive Director

Powercat Financial has partnered with the Department of Personal Financial Planning in a new hire. Kate Mielitz leads Powercat Financial as they continue to set the bar on financial knowledge and counseling services for our students. Kate is leading the conversations for a new and exciting initiatives to get financial literacy into our Kansas Communities.


Student Spotlight

Every semester we spotlight a student in our program who is doing great things, making connections, and leading the way for those who will follow. She’s a student in our Doctoral program graduating this fall. A career change later in life, she found a home in our program, making lifelong friends and colleagues amongst her cohort and the faculty, and growing her knowledge and expertise to better serve her community and the world of financial planners. Our Fall 2024 Student Spotlight goes to Ashlyn Rollins-Koons. Please enjoy...


Notable Research:

Unlocking Financial Well-Being: Lessons from Family, Knowledge, and Seeking Help

During her journey at Kansas State University, Dr. Zhang discovered a profound passion for advancing research on financial well-being. What sets her work apart is a commitment to viewing this critical issue through innovative lenses. By integrating theoretical frameworks and emphasizing the roles of financial socialization and help-seeking behaviors, Dr. Zhang brings a fresh perspective to understanding how individuals navigate their financial lives.

One of her research pieces explores how family dynamics, cognitive resources, and individual actions intersect to shape financial well-being. This approach not only deepens the current understanding of financial well-being but also challenges traditional narratives, highlighting the importance of support systems, confidence, and knowledge in making sound financial decisions.


K-State Hosts a Successful Financial Planning Academy for Aspiring Future Financial Planners

Kansas State University proudly hosted our second Financial Planning Academy this summer. Financial Planning Academy camps are funded by Charles Schwab Foundations and, through coordination with Texas Tech University, are hosted at colleges across the nation. This summer camp, we welcomed 42 motivated high school students interested in careers in financial planning and business. This week-long immersive academy provided a hands-on introduction to financial planning, teamwork, and professional development, offering participants a firsthand look at K-State’s nationally recognized Personal Financial Planning (PFP) program.


Closing Remarks

Head for Business, Heart for PeopleAs the year comes to a close, we wish to thank our donors, industry partners and friends, because without you and your support, our program would not be what it is today...A nationally recognized unit educating the next generation of top-notch financial planners. See you in the New Year!

Department of Personal of Financial Planning



Newsletter Archive

Fall 2024 Newsletter
Spring 2024 Newsletter
Spring 2022 Newsletter (pdf)
Spring 2021 Newsletter (pdf)
Fall 2021 Newsletter (pdf)