Research from the Team


Beckmeyer, J. J., & Russell, L. T. (2023). Divorced coparents’ experiences during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 64(1), 31-54.

Ferraro, A. J., & Markham, M. S. (advance online publication). The changing landscape of parenting education programs for divorcing parents: An introduction. Family Court Review.

Ferraro, A. J., Wilkins-Clark, R. E., Beckmeyer, J. J., Russell, L. T., Brimhall, A. S., & Markham, M. S. (advance online publication). Rethinking utility in divorce education: Use of multi-program evaluation data to uncover markers of post-divorce adjustment. Family Court Review.

Fine, M. A., Ferraro, A. J., & Russell, L. T. (2023). Announcing Family Transitions: A dedicated outlet examining the complexity of contemporary family structures and changes. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 64(2-4), 91-96.

Guyette, E., Wilkins-Clark, R., Ferraro, A. J., Markham, M. S., Beckmeyer, J. J., & Brimhall, A. (advance online publication). Bridging parental conflict: Findings from a parent education course formed and facilitated by mental health professionals. Contemporary Family Therapy.

Guyette, E. J., Zimmermann, M. L., Maska, L. N., Ferraro, A. J., Markham, M. S., Pippert, H. D. (2023). A systematic review identifying child-focused assessment tools to improve the development and evaluation of divorce education programs. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 64(2-4), 97-113.

Markham, M. S., DeGreeff, B., & Guyette, E. (2024). Staying connected after divorce: Adolescent child and nonresidential parent perspectives. Family Relations, 73(3), 2170-2192.

Markham, M. S., & Ferraro, A. J. (in press). Working on what works: A critical reflection on the past, present, and future of parenting education programs for divorcing and separating parents. Family Court Review.

Wilkins-Clark, R., Wu, Z., & Markham, M. S. (in press). Experiences of post-divorce parentification and parental affection: Implications for emerging adults’ well-being. Family Relations.

Guyette, E. J., Zimmermann, M. L., Maska, L. N., Ferraro, A. J. , Markham, M. S., Pippert, H. D. (advance online publicataion). A systematic review identifying child-focused assessment tools to improve the development and evaluation of divorce education programs. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage.




Brimhall, A.S., Beckmeyer, J. J., Ferraro, A. J., Markham, M. S., Russell, L. T., Wilkins-Clark, R. E., McCann, E., Monk, J. K., & Myers-Walls, J. (2024, November). Who Participates in Divorce Education? Participant Characteristics and Reasons for Attending Divorce Education. Poster to be presented at the National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Bellevue, WA.

Markham, M. S., Ferraro, A. J., Wilkins-Clark, R. E., & Lawson Tettevie, F. (2024, November). The experience of relationship deterioration across cohorts: Illuminating meaning for those that separated prior to and during the COVID-19 syndemic. In J. J. Beckmeyer & R. E. Petren (Chairs), Families in transition. Symposium to be conducted at the National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Bellevue, WA.

Russell, L. T., Ferrraro, A. J., & Markham, M. S. (2024, June). Accounting for relational histories and diverse contexts in divorce education. Workshop presented at the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Annual Conference, Boston, MA.

Beckmeyer, J. J., Ferraro, A. J., Russell, L. T., Markham, M. S., Wilkins-Clark, R. E., Noble, J., Oehme, K., Perko, A., & Thibodeau, L. (2023, November). Post-divorce coparenting prior to divorce education and perceptions of divorce education. In J. J. Beckmeyer (Chair), The divorce education assessment collaborative: Updates and findings using multi-program evaluation data. Symposium conducted at the National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.

Ferraro, A. J., Markham, M. S., Beckmeyer, J. J., Brimhall, A. S., Guyette, E., Wilkins-Clark, R. E., Noble, J., & Thibodeau, L. (2023, November). Measuring program efficacy with evolving evaluation metrics in response to the needs of high conflict families, family courts, and practitioners. In J. J. Beckmeyer (Chair), The divorce education assessment collaborative: Updates and findings using multi-program evaluation data. Symposium conducted at the National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.

Lawson Tettevie, F., Markham, M. S., Ferraro, A. J., Wilkins-Clark, R. E., Vrbas, R., & Umphenour, M. (2023, November). Children’s adjustment through the process of parental divorce during the COVID-19 pandemic. Poster presented at the National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.

Markham, M. S., Ferraro, A. J., Wilkins-Clark, R. E., Tettevie, F. L., Vrbas, R., & Umphenour, M. (2023, November). Co-parenting through a pandemic: Lessons learned from divorcing parents. Poster presented at the National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.

Markham, M. S., Williams, A., Rice, B., Ferraro, A. J., Russell, L. T., Wilkins-Clark, R. E., Guyette, E., Noble, J., Oehme, K., Perko, A., & Thibodeau, L. (2023, November). Using qualitative evaluation data to determine what works and what else is needed in divorce education. In J. J. Beckmeyer (Chair), The divorce education assessment collaborative: Updates and findings using multi-program evaluation data. Symposium conducted at the National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.

Wilkins-Clark, R. E., Markham, M. S., Becher, E., & Noble, J. (2023, May). Putting the person into focus: Understanding the modern divorcing parent. Workshop presented at the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Annual Conference.