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Study Skills and Tutoring Resources

Kansas State University offers a variety of services dedicated to helping students achieve academic success. These services are available to all students whether you live on-campus or off-campus.

The College of Health and Human Sciences encourages students to seek assistance early in the semester, whether that is contacting an academic advisor, the dean's office, or one of the many services listed below.

Academic Achievement Center

The Academic Achievement Center provides a variety of services dedicated to helping students achieve academic success. The staff will assist students with signing up for a tutor, discussing academic concerns, or just answering questions they might have.

Tutoring Center

Free tutoring is provided in a variety of courses to any K-State student. There are two different types of tutoring that allow for students to receive the amount of assistance they desire, scheduled and walk-in. Tutoring is available during both the daytime and evening hours. See the schedule for times and locations for walk-in tutoring.

Scholars Assisting Scholars (SAS) Tutoring

Scholars Assisting Scholars (SAS) is a free and very focused tutoring program that employs students who attend a specific section of a course and serve as a tutoring resource to everyone enrolled in that section of the course. SAS is designed to support student success and learning for students in first and second year core science, math and computer science courses.

Writing Center and Lab

The K-State Writing Center welcomes active discussions with writers from all disciplines and experience-levels across the campus community. They are committed to developing writing and critical thinking through collaborative learning. In one-to-one consultations, students talk about their writing projects with trained writing tutors who will assist in providing feedback for improved success.

Career Center

Staff members in the Career Center provide assistance as students explore majors, discovering options and select occupations that connect with their interests, abilities and values. Students who are in open-option, changing majors, or just want to explore what job options are available with a degree, can stop by and talk.

Student Access Center

The Student Access Center works with students' learning, mental and physical disabilities to provide equal opportunities and access.

Counseling Services

Counseling Services provides personal assistance to students. This may be through consultation and crisis support to the individual student to address the personal, academic, and social issues that impact their progress.

Office of Student Life

The Office of Student Life provides direct support and services to students by being an advocate, connecting students with appropriate resources, and serving as a resource for student family members.

Study Strategies