Student Travel Awards
The intent of the College of Health and Human Sciences Travel Awards is to provide travel support to undergraduate and graduate students attending their first professional conference or presenting research at domestic and international conferences and meetings.
- Undergraduate and graduate students who are currently enrolled in a major within the College of Health and Human Sciences are eligible to apply for a travel award to attend professional conferences and/or present research.
- Travel awards are intended for students with limited or no additional travel funding.
- A departmental contribution toward travel expenses is required in order to receive a College travel award. Documentation must be provided by the department head or school director outlining the support being provided.
- Within a fiscal year (July 1-June 30), a graduate student may be awarded a maximum of $500 for domestic travel. If a graduate student engages in international travel, he or she may be awarded a maximum of $750 within a fiscal year.
- All students are required to submit proper paperwork for travel. This is a requirement of the University. Each student must have a Travel Request form on file for the related travel in which they are receiving an award. If traveling internationally, the student must notify the Education Abroad Program Director.
Application Deadlines
Applications must be submitted by the following deadlines. Late applications will not be considered. Awards will be announced within 10 days following the application deadline.
Month of Travel | Application Deadline |
July | May 1 |
August | June 1 |
September | July 1 |
October | August 1 |
November | September 1 |
December | October 1 |
January | November 1 |
February | December 1 |
March | January 1 |
April | February 1 |
May | March 1 |
June | April 1 |
Please note: Students traveling over an interval of time that falls within two months must submit an application for the month that travels begins. For example, a student traveling from August 27-September 2 must submit an application by the June 1 deadline.
Awards Criteria
Applications will be evaluated on a 26 point scale based on the following criteria:
- Involvement
- Presenter = 10 points (This includes those presenting a paper, poster, workshop, case competition display, work of art or design; or serving as a discussant, panel chair, etc.)
- Non-Presenter = 5 points (This includes those attending a conference/meeting but not presenting; or conducting research, etc.)
- Event Type
- International Conference/Meeting = 8 points
- 8 points if located outside of the U.S.
- 6 points if located within the U.S.
- National Conference/Meeting = 6 points
- Regional Conference/Meeting = 4 points
- Other = 2 points (Includes research purposes or special projects)
- International Conference/Meeting = 8 points
- Authorship
- 1st Author/Primary Author = 8 points
- No authorship (but you are presenting) = 8 points
- Includes those serving as discussant, panel chair, etc.
- 2nd Author = 6 points
- 3rd Author or below = 4 points
- Other = 2 points (This includes those attending a conference/meeting but not presenting; or conducting research, etc.)
Award Types
- Tier 1: 26 points
- Tier 2: 22-25 points
- Tier 3: 16-21 points
- Tier 4: 9-15 points
Application Process:
Complete the application, that includes a budget, to apply for a College of Health and Human Sciences Travel Award.
Additional documentation based on event participation must be included with the application. Ensure you have the appropriate documents available prior to applying.
- If you will be presenting a paper, poster, workshop, case competition display, work of art or design, proof of event acceptance and title, abstract, and list of authors is required.
- If you will be serving as a discussant or panel chair, proof of event acceptance is required.
- If you will not be doing any of the above, proof of research activity or proof of event registration is required.
- If you will not receive your proof of event acceptance or event registration prior to the submission deadline, please indicate this. If you are awarded funds, the funds will be contingent upon submitting the proof of acceptance/registration prior to travel.
Please note: If you are traveling abroad, you must also register with the Office of International Programs Study Abroad Office.
All application materials must be submitted to:
College of Health and Human Sciences Dean’s Office
Attn: Dr. Shawna Jordan
119 Justin Hall
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