Speech-Language Pathology Services

The K-State Speech and Hearing Center provides comprehensive diagnostic and therapy services for a wide range of communication disorders across all age groups. Areas evaluated and treated at the K-State Speech and Hearing Center include:

  • Articulation due to developmental or acquired conditions
  • Language including the impact of hearing loss or Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Stuttering and voice disorders
  • Acquired language and cognitive impairments post stroke, trauma and/or disease
  • Accent reduction and language differences
  • Feeding and swallowing disorders
  • Gender affirming voice and communication

Following a diagnostic evaluation, a treatment plan is developed to meet the individual's needs. Individuals are scheduled for therapy and all speech-language services are supervised by licensed speech-language pathologists.

Working with a clientThe Enhancing Auditory Responses to Speech Stimuli (EARSS) Program is offered at the K-State Speech and Hearing Center. The program addresses the auditory processing skills of individuals diagnosed with auditory processing deficits. Program activities address processing speech sounds in isolation and across words, processing speech in background noise and processing speech that requires binaural integration.

Working with children Services are provided to individuals without regard to age, race, color, sex, gender, ethnicity, national origin or religion, handicapped or veteran status. Concerns regarding clinical services should be directed to the clinical director, Melanie Hilgers or the program director, Robert Garcia.