Internal Funding Awards
College of Health and Human Sciences Research Excellence Awards
Ric Rosenkranz, FNDH
Brad Behnke, KIN
Martin Seay, FSHS
Tim Musch, KIN
Katie Heinrich, KIN
Thomas Barstow, KIN
Kevin Roberts, HM
Migette Kaup, ATID
Kim Y. Hiller-Connell, ATID
David Poole, KIN
College of Health and Human Sciences SRO Awards
Emily Mailey, KIN, Stand Up Kansas: An Intervention to Reduce Sedentary Behavior in the Workplace
Kristin Malek, HM, Understanding Motivation to Attend, Satisfaction, Loyalty, and Content Retention Across Meeting Attendee Populations.
Briana Goff, FSHS, Assessing Salivary Cortisol Levels of Participants in a Military and Veteran Family Retreats Program
Tandalayo Kidd, FNDH, The Impact of the Nutrition Banking Tracking System on College Students' Eating Patterns and Physical Activity Behaviors
Jooyoun Kim, ATID, Nonwoven Antibacterial Patch for Local Wound Treatment
Jennifer Hanson, FNDH, Observed and Self-Reported Food Handling Behaviors at Outdoor Venues
Jooyoun Kim and Jichul Jang, ATID & HM, Environmental and Economic Impacts Made by the Reduced Maintenance Needs for Self-Cleaning Table Clothes in the Hotel Restaurant Context
Sara Rosenkranz and Mark Haub, FNDH, Do Alterations in Meat Size and Frequency Affect Postprandial Lipemia and Inflammation
Joyce Baptist, FSHS, Using EMDR to Treat Depression
Annika Linde, M.C. Cheung, & Tona Melgarejo, FNDH, Effect of Naturally Occurring Antimicrobial Peptides LL37 and K9CATH on Lung Cell Health
Bryan Orthel, ATID, Identity, Community, History, and Place: Oral Histories 2014-2015
Minyoung Suh and Ji Hye Kang, ATID, Functional and Emotional Impact of Breast Size and a Sports Bra on Exercise-Induced Discomfort
Debra Burnett and Ann Smit, FSHS, An Understandability Measure for Young Children With and Without Speech/Language Disorders
Jared Durtschi, FSHS, Can Romantic Relationships During Pregnancy Predict Fetal Development Problems?
Brandon C. Irwin, KIN, "Our Space": A Test of the Efficacy of a Group Dynamics-Based Social Media Intervention for Increasing Physical Activity
Sara Rosenkranz, Ric Rosenkranz, Craig Harms, and Mark Haub, FNDH & KIN, The Interaction of Physical Activity and Diet: Post-Prandial Triglyceride and Inflammatory Responses Following a High-Fat Meal
College of Health and Human Sciences Dean Stowe Awards
Kristin Malek, HM, The Application of Team-Based Learning on Convention and Meeting Attendees: An Experimental Design Field Study Approach
Sara Rosenkranz, FNDH, Community Outreach for Best Practice School Lunches
Julia Day and Brandon Irwin, ATID & KIN, Tiny Houses, Titan Impact: An Ecological Approach to Impacting Public Health Through Affordable Housing
Hyung-Chan Kim and Mike Dudek, ATID, An effort to develop new, and continue existing collaborative, multi-cultural design studio projects with Korean University partners
Elaine Johannes, FSHS, Kansas Adolescent Health State Plan-Technical Assistance and Dissemination
Terrie McCants and Nancy O'Conner, FSHS, Elder Decisions: Adult Family Conflict Resolution
Harold and Letha Reser Family and Community Innovation Award
Elaine Johannes and Amber Vennum, FSHS, Relationship Empowerment: Addressing the Effects of Poverty Through Quality, Innovative Relationship Education
Sara Rosenkranz and Ric Rosenkranz, FNDH, Enhanced Health Promotion in Girl Scouts through Video-Based Leader Wellness Training