Fiscal Year 2017 Research Awards
Previous Years: 2018 | 2016 | 2015
Ade, Carl (KINES). Omics and Biochemical Markers of Cardiovascular and Bone Health: Relationship with Bedrest and Standard Physiological Measures. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, $16,565.
Alavi, Sajid (Grain Science and Industry) and Chambers IV, Edgar (FNDH), PepsiCo, Inc., $2,500,000, "Kansas State University Product Development Accelerator."
Barstow, Thomas J. (KINES) and Ade, Carl (KINES). Identification of Aerobic Fitness Standards for Exploration Mission Tasks. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, $110,000.
Buckwalter, John (DHE) and Gould, Carol A. (DHE). AG*IDEA Lead Institute. AG*IDEA, $117,926.
Buckwalter, John (DHE) and Gould, Carol A. (DHE). Comprehensive Fiscal Sponsorship Agreement - Great Plains Interactive Distance Education Alliance. Great Plains IDEA Alliance, $362,174.
Chambers IV, Edgar (FNDH) and Chambers, Delores H. (FNDH). Consumer Perception of Products Under Extended Use. Frito Lay, Inc., $20,650.
Chambers IV, Edgar (FNDH) and Koppel, Kadri (FNDH). Sensory Analysis of Pet Products. Kemin Industries, $13,900.
Day, Julia K. (ATID). Wireless Sensor Network Architecture for Monitoring and Control in Buildings. , National Science Foundation, $1,650.
Doll, Gayle (COA), Kaup, Migette L. (ATID), Kulcsar, Laszlo (Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work), Cornelison, Laci J. (COA), and Gfeller, Stephanie (COA). Peak 2.0 Evaluation. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, $294,480.
Dzewaltowski, David A. (KINES). Development and Evaluation of School Physical Activity. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, $62,500.
Fees, Bronwyn S. (DHE). Early Childhood Workforce Development Grant. Kansas Child Care Training Opportunities, Inc, $430,717.
Fees, Bronwyn S. (DHE). Kansas Child Care Training Opportunities. Kansas Child Care Training Opportunities, Inc, $41,318.
Garcia, Jane M. (FSHS) and Chambers IV, Edgar (FNDH). Improving the Consistency of Beverage and Food Modifications for Older Adults. Kansas State University Foundation, $5,000.
Hanson, Jennifer (FNDH). An Infographic Menu: Improving Decision Making in Dementia Residents. Kansas State University Foundation, $4,326.
Harvey, Jagger J. (Dean of Agriculture and Director of AES), Ulmer, Jonathan (Communications), Bhadriraju, Subramanyam (Grain Science and Industry), Campabadal Teran, Carlos (Grain Science and Industry), Lilja, Nina K. (International Agricultural Programs), Leslie, John F. (Plant Pathology), and Lindshield, Brian L. (FNDH). Feed the Future Innovation Lab for the Reduction of Post-Harvest Loss. U.S. Agency for International Development, $700,000.
Heinrich, Katie M. (KINES) and Harms, Craig A. (KINES). HIFT for Obesity Prevention, Fitness and Health Promotion in Military Personnel. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, $499,513.
Jager, Shanna K. (FSHS) and Griffin, Charles L. (FSHS). Technical Support for the Department for Children and Families Strategic Development, Faith-based and Community Initiatives. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, $597,808.
Johannes, Elaine M. (FSHS). Building a Poverty Alleviation Network for Kansas. Sunflower Foundation, $13,805.
Johannes, Elaine M. (FSHS) and Yelland, Erin L. (FSHS). Kansas Health Extender Pilot Project. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, $37,260.
Kidd, Tandalayo (FNDH). "Get Fruved:" A Peer-Led, Train-the-Trainer Social Marketing Intervention to Increase Fruit and Vegetable Intake and Prevent Childhood Obesity. U.S. Department of Agriculture, $120,719.
Kidd, Tandalayo (FNDH) and Muturi, Nancy W. (School of Journalism and Mass Communications). Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) Model in Preventing Overweight and Obesity Among 6th-8th Grade Youth in Low-Income Racial/Ethnic Communities. U.S. Department of Agriculture, $500,000.
Kwon, Junehee (HM). Restaurant Service Sabotage Scale Development Using Item Response Theory. Foodservice Systems Management Education Council, $2,000.
Lattimer, James M. (Animal Sciences and Industry), Douthit, Teresa L. (Animal Sciences and Industry), Drouillard, James S. (Animal Sciences and Industry), and Melgarejo, L Tonatiuh (FNDH). Immunomodulation of HorsLic Omega EliteĀ® in Yearling Horses. New Generation Supplements, $57,744.
Lutter, Sonya L. (FSHS). Love and Money Curriculum. Thrivent Financial for Lutherans (brightpeak), $49,400.
Olsen, Charlotte S. (FSHS), Cortez, Anita R. (Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies), and Buckwalter, John (DHE). US Department of Health and Human Services $512,698.
Roberts, Kevin R. (HM), Sauer, Kevin L. (FNDH), and Shanklin, Carol W. (Dean of Graduate School). Center of Excellence for Food Safety Research in Child Nutrition Programs. U.S. Department of Agriculture, $600,000.
Rosenkranz, Sara (FNDH) and Haub, Mark D. (FNDH). Determining the Impact of Meal Replacement Products on Human Blood Glucose Levels. Isagenix International, LLC, $2,750.
Rosenkranz, Sara (FNDH) and Haub, Mark D. (FNDH). Metabolic Responses of Resistant Starch vs Native Wheat Starch. MGP Ingredients, Inc., $19,650.
Schumm, Walter R. (FSHS). Further Analyses of NFSS and Other Data. Austin Institute for the Study of Family & Culture, $26,004.
Stith, Sandra M. (FSHS) and Durtschi, Jared A. (FSHS). KSU-USAF 2015 FAP Research Project. U.S. Department of Agriculture, $1,728,029.
Swaney-Stueve, Marianne (FNDH), Jepsen, Tegan M. (K-State Olathe), and Gallo, Katherine E. (K-State Olathe). Study Agreement 2. Hill's Pet Nutrition, Inc., $51,500.
Swaney-Stueve, Marianne (FNDH), Jepsen, Tegan M. (K-State Olathe), and Taylor, Terry L. (FNDH). Study Agreement 4. Hill's Pet Nutrition, Inc., $21,000.
Syme, Maggie L. (COA). Examining Jury Decision-Making in Sexual Consent and Dementia Cases: Implications for Law and Policy. The Borchard Foundation Center on Law & Aging, $19,675.
Thiele, Ryan (FNDH). Time Course Effects of Manually-Applied Passive Stretches of Hamstrings Musculotendinous Stiffness and Postural Stability. Mid-America Athletic Trainers' Association (MAATA), $2,000.
Toews, Michelle L. (DHE). Strengthening Relationships/Strengthening Families. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, $105,795.
Toews, Michelle L. (DHE), Vennum, Amber V. (FSHS), and Johannes, Elaine M. (FSHS). Healthy REWARDS (Relationships, Expectations, Willpower, Aspirations, Reactions, Decisions, Self-esteem): An Evidence-Based Approach to Sexual Risk Avoidance. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, $414,302.
Vardiman, John P. (FNDH). Establishing Optimal Training Intervals for the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program (MCMAP) for Improvement in Physical Performance and Warrior Mindset. , U.S. Department of Defense, $30,000.
VerBrugge (Glasscock), Marlene K. (FSHS). CYFAR 4-H Military Partnership Professional Development and Technical Assistance Program. U.S. Department of Agriculture, $417,053.
VerBrugge (Glasscock), Marlene K. (FSHS) and Hanson, Jennifer (FNDH). 4-H Military Partnership and Outreach Support Program. U.S. Department of Agriculture, $1,976,454.
Wang, Weiqun (FNDH). Determining the Bioavailability of Sorghum Phenolic Compounds. , U.S. Department of Agriculture, $20,000.
Yelland, Erin L. (FSHS). K-State Research and Extension MIPPA Outreach for Region 9. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, $10,000.
Yelland, Erin L. (FSHS). Keys to Embracing Aging Program Expansion. U.S. Department of Agriculture, $356,257.
ATID: Apparel, Textiles, and Interior Design
DHE: Dean of Human Ecology
FNDH: Food, Nutrition, Dietetics, and Health
FSHS: Family Studies and Human Services
HM: Hospitality Management
KINES: Kinesiology