Registration & Cost

  • $200/Person Fee

Payment Options:

  • Check: Make check out to: Kansas State University
    • Mail to:
      • Department of Personal Financial Planning
        ATTN: Katelin Schmedemann
        343 Justin Hall
        1324 Lovers Lane
        Kansas State University
        Manhattan, KS 66506
  • Credit Card:
    To pay via credit card, provide required card information in the registration form.
    Or, call 785-532-1480 to submit payment via phone.


Registration Confirmation

You will receive a registration confirmation from Katelin Schmedemann once processing has completed.


Kansas State University may cancel or postpone any course or activity because of insufficient enrollment or other unforeseen circumstances. If a program is canceled or postponed, registration fees will be refunded, but we cannot be held responsible for other costs, charges, or expenses, including cancellation/change charges assessed by airlines or travel agencies. Registration fees will not be canceled, and refunds will not be issued if the program is held but the registrant is unable to attend due to travel delays or cancellations caused by inclement weather, or due to other extraordinary circumstances beyond the control of Kansas State University.

Publicity Statement

Registration for this event gives consent for photographs, publicity and inclusion on the participant list unless we are is notified in writing prior to the start date. Please email Katelin Schmedemann.

Special Assistance

Participants who need accommodations due to a disability or who have special dietary requirements should indicate services needed at the time of registration. If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Katelin Schmedemann. Early notification is requested to ensure appropriate accommodations can be provided.

Notice of nondiscrimination

Contact Us

Program Coordinator for Personal Financial Planning
Office Hours
Mon-Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. CST