PFP Certificate Courses

The personal financial planning graduate certificate program consists of six courses for a total of 18 semester credit hours.

Scheduled Start Dates

Courses are offered every 8 weeks in the fall and spring, and in the summer. We have rolling admissions, so students can start at multiple times throughout the year: August, October, January, March, and June. We strongly recommend that prospective students apply at least 4 weeks before the next class starts to allow time for processing paperwork.

Course Offerings:


  • PFP 766 Insurance Planning for Families (1st 8 weeks)
  • PFP 760 Retirement Planning for Families (2nd 8 weeks)
  • PFP 836 Financial Planning Case Studies (1st 8 weeks)
    This course is taken last in the sequence


  • PFP 762 Investing for the Family’s Future I (1st 8 weeks)
  • PFP 764 Estate Planning for Families (2nd 8 weeks)
  • PFP 836 Financial Planning Case Studies (1st 8 weeks)


  • PFP 772 Personal Income Taxation (8 weeks)

Students with no prior financial planning background are highly encouraged to take PFP 624 Fundamentals of Personal Financial Planning as a prerequisite.

For official course descriptions, go to the course catalog, enter"PFP" in the 'keyword' field, make sure the "Courses" box is checked, and click the "Search” button.

Program Requirements

PFP Personal Financial Planning Courses (18 credit hours)

  • PFP 766 Insurance Planning for Families
  • PFP 762 Investing for Family's Future
  • PFP 760 Retirement Planning for Families
  • PFP 722 Personal Income Taxation
  • PFP 764 Estate Planning for Families
  • PFP 836 Financial Planning Case Studies

Course Descriptions