2024 – 2025 Laptop Requirement for ID program

General Note for 1st year Students

Interior design students entering the first year of study will need access to a computer, either laptop or desktop, that meets the specifications listed below. Because the computer requirements are updated each year, we STRONGLY encourage first-year students to delay the purchase of a high-level laptop until their second year in order to have the most current technology when it is needed to use specialized software.

Students are responsible for maintaining the digital tools needed for class assignments and will need personal computers able to run Zoom, Mural, MS Office, and other basic software. See this link for software application licenses available to K-State students: https://www.k-state.edu/it/resources/access-software/applications/

General Note for 2nd year Students

Interior design students entering the second year of study are required to have a personal laptop computer that meets or exceeds the required minimum specifications. Because the requirements are updated each year, we STRONGLY encourage students to delay the purchase of laptops until the summer before their second year in order to have the most current technology when it is needed to use specialized software.

Beginning in the 2nd year of study, ID students begin instruction in computer-based software programs that demand higher amounts of memory and processor capacity. Computer technology changes rapidly and it may be necessary to install upgrades to meet expectations in future years of study.

Computers purchased with the minimum requirements will require careful attention to regular systems maintenance, virus protection, and general file management. Failure to adhere to regular computer maintenance will likely result in system errors and delayed processing time (and, therefore, frustration). It is extremely important that students read and understand their responsibilities for the maintenance of their equipment and digital files.



Minimum Computer Requirements

1st Year 2nd Year
Processor Intel Core i7 or AMD equivalent

Intel Core i9 with at least 8 cores (16 threads) or better

Memory 16 GB or higher

32 GB or more

Internal storage 256 GB SSD or higher

1TB SSD primary drive minimum

Operating system Windows 10 Home (64bit) Microsoft® Windows® 11 or higher is required
Video / graphics

NVIDIA RTX Series with 6GB minimum or better. (Quadro CAD cards, not GeForce gaming cards)

Video Memory 6 GB or higher
Wireless Wifi or Ethernet connectivity

The latest version and fastest speed of a Wired and Wireless LAN (802.11) is required

Monitor 13” or larger

15-inch or larger built-in display, Ultra-High Definition Monitor at least 1680 x 1050

Webcam Built-in or portable Built-in webcam
Microphone Built-in or headphones Built-in or headphones
Portable Dual Monitor Not required

Optional, but 1080p minimum resolution

See Note 1.

Warranty 4 year pro service and support warranty

Note 1: The Example of a Portable Dual monitor in the market for your understanding

Required Applications

1st Year 2nd Year Remark(s)
Microsoft Office 365 Free To K-State Students Free To K-State Students
Adobe Creative Cloud Not required $19.99/mo the first year and $29.99/mo after that. This software should be purchased when directed by course instructors to avoid paying for extra months of service.
Sketch-up 1 months trial available online or free online version Free downloads should not download the software until directed to do so by instructor(s)
Autodesk: Revit Not required Free downloads should not download the software until directed to do so by instructor(s)
Autodesk: Autocad Not required Free downloads should not download the software until directed to do so by instructor(s)
Enscape ™ Not required $12.42/mo or $149 yearly should not download the software until directed to do so by instructor(s)

Note: Software and applications are constantly updated to achieve best performance. It is recommended you check latest system requirements for any program you desire to install to make sure you can run it smoothly.