Beef Quality

Understand beef quality indicators to choose the best cuts and grades

The USDA blog explains the differences between Prime, Choice, and Select beef grades. Prime beef has abundant marbling, which is ideal for dry-heat cooking such as grilling or broiling. Choice beef, which is typically sold in grocery stores, is high quality with less marbling, suitable for various cooking methods. Select beef is leaner and less juicy, so it is best marinated or braised. The grading system ensures meat quality and aids consumer choices.

The quality grade is determined by USDA with proper labels. Custom beef producers or processors without a USDA quality grading process should not advertise their beef with these quality grades.

For more information, visit: What's Your Beef – Prime, Choice or Select?

Also, you may learn more about beef quality related to muscle traits, carcass characteristics, tenderness, yield, and flavor on the beef research website.