Kevin R. Roberts

Interim Department Head
Director, Hospitality Management Program
Contact Information
152C Justin Hall
- Ph.D. in Foodservice and Hospitality Management, Kansas State University (2008)
- M.S. in Foodservice and Lodging Management, Iowa State University (2002)
- B.S. in Hotel, Restaurant, and Institution Management, Iowa State University (1999)
Area(s) of Specialization
- Foodservice Management
- Food Safety and HACCP
Courses Taught
- HM 440 Beverage Management
- HM 621 Hospitality Law
- HM 662 Foodservice Systems Management
- HM 805 Advanced Foodservice Management
- HM 835 Survey of Research in the Hospitality Industry
Professional Biography
Kevin Roberts joined the Department of Hospitality Management and Dietetics in the Fall of 2003. Dr. Roberts is experienced in food safety research and training. While employed with Iowa State University Extension, he assisted with ServSafe® classes around Iowa and in developing food safety information for consumers and foodservice professionals. He has 12 years of restaurant experience, most recently as a food and beverage manager with Seven Villages Restaurant, Williamsburg, Iowa. His research interests focus on HACCP and food safety, specifically, overcoming employee barriers to food safety implementation in the commercial foodservice setting. Dr. Roberts has also been recognized for his leadership contributions as a graduate student at Iowa State University receiving the 2002 VEISHEA Campus Leadership Award.
Dr. Roberts is a member of the International Association of Food Protection, Club Managers Association of America, Kansas – Oklahoma Club Managers Association of America, Mid-America Club Managers Association of America, Council on Hotel Restaurant Institution Educators (CHRIE), Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Arkansas (KOMA) CHRIE, the National Restaurant Association, and the Foodservice Management Education Council.