Historic Costume and Textile Museum
The Historic Costume and Textile Museum is a notable collection of traditional and artistic artifacts. With over 15,000 holdings, the collection includes a number of Nelly Don dresses, wearable art from Anita Mayer, American quilts, salon shoes, military uniforms, Byzantine-era textiles, Chinese and other ethnic textiles, and clothing and textiles from famous and not-so-famous midwesterners. The collection began at the beginning of the 20th century and continues to be augmented by friends, faculty and Kansas State University alumni who have lived and traveled throughout the world.
How to Become Involved
Interested individuals can become involved with the Historic Costume and Textiles collection through:
- Donations of historic artifacts of designer origin, or with unique stylistic or designer elements, or provides an emphasis on the cultural aspects of clothing
- Donations of non-historic supplies
- Financial contributions to help defray costs of maintaining this valuable resource
Can you help? If so, please contact us!
How to give
Visiting the Museum
The museum features selected pieces for display in exhibit cases throughout Justin Hall on the Kansas State University campus.
Scheduling a Visit
We encourage reservations in advance to visit the museum and its collections. Please contact us for more information.