Edgar Chambers IV

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  • B.S. in Food Science, University of Tennessee (1977)
  • M.S. in Foods and Nutrition, Kansas State University (1979)
  • Ph.D. in Sensory Analysis, Kansas State University (1980)
  • Postgraduate courses in Psychology and Behavior, Washington University (St. Louis) (1983-1984)

Short Biography

Before K-State, Dr. Chambers spent 8 years in industry, including 5 years as Manager of Sensory and Statistical Analyses at the world-headquarters of the Seven-Up Company. He consults extensively with industry on product evaluation, consumer understanding, and advertising claim substantiation.

At K-State, Dr. Chambers builds on one of the University's greatest strengths, sensory analysis related to product research and development. He teaches graduate classes in sensory analysis and consumer behavior and directs research projects in product evaluation and consumer understanding for national and international companies. His expertise encompasses food products such as meat and grains, packaging, personal care, fabric, paper, pharmaceutical, paint finishes, fragrance, and other consumer and industrial products. As a result of his leadership, students obtain the most competitive positions upon graduation and remain at the cutting edge of their fields. He was named a University Distinguished Professor in 2008.

Dr. Chambers is past Chair of both the Society of Sensory Professionals and the Sensory Division of ASTM International and was named a "Fellow" of ASTM in 2006. He received the David R. Peryam Award, the highest award in his field, in 2006. Dr. Chambers is one of several U.S. delegates to the ISO (International Standards Organization) committee on Sensory Evaluation. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Sensory Studies and is on the Editorial Board of the Kasetsart (Thailand) Journal of Natural Sciences.

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