Assessment of Student Learning

The College of Health and Human Sciences at Kansas State University is committed to student learning and to providing the highest quality educational experiences for its students. The college and its academic programs uphold assessment of student learning and the use of the results of assessment as key strategies to ensure continuous improvement of student learning. Student learning outcomes at the university, degree program and support program levels provide a shared vision of what we value and what students are expected to learn.

Within a culture of reflection, scholarship, trust and shared responsibilities, faculty, with participation from students, administrators, alumni and K-State constituents, develop and implement ongoing and systematic assessment strategies to understand what, how much, and how students learn. Through the use of both direct and indirect sources of evidence of student performance, results from assessment guide collective actions for, among others, curricular change, better learning opportunities for students, improvement of teaching, and more effective academic support services.

Assessment in Undergraduate Programs

Assessment in Graduate Programs


Additional Information

K-State Office of Assessment