Student Organizations
If you were involved in clubs and organizations in high school, you might feel lost on campus without a group to call your own. If you weren't involved in high school but secretly wished you had been, here's your second chance! AHS and College of Health and Human Sciences student organizations and interest groups provide opportunities for experiential learning, networking, national and international competitions, travel, volunteer experiences, mentoring experiences, social events, friendships and fun. Consider joining the following groups when you get to campus:
Early Childhood Student Association
Learn what it's really like to work in the early childhood profession. This organization provides information and resources to early childhood majors in order to benefit them during their college career and beyond. Group members often attend the National Association for the Education of Young Children annual conference, participate in K-State Open Houses and Telefund, and plan other professional development activities. Contact Barbara Hammerli for more information.
Family and Consumer Sciences Education Organization (FCSEO)
All students within the College of Health and Human Sciences are eligible for membership in this interest group, which provides professional development opportunities and promotes the national theme of the American Association of Family and Consumer Science Education. For more information contact Shandi Andres.
Human Development and Family Science Association (HDFSA)
This group unites students interested in the HDFS major and provides leadership opportunities, resources and service to the community and the university. For more information contact Michelle Toews.
Health and Human Sciences Ambassadors
Promote the College of Health and Human Sciences to prospective students, alumni, campus visitors and current students. Ambassadors must be full-time HHS majors with a GPA of 2.75 or higher and successfully complete the application and interview process. For more information contact Lynee English and Laken Wagner.
Kappa Omicron Nu
KON is a national honor society dedicated to recognizing and encouraging excellence in scholarship, research and leadership in Health and Human Sciences. Undergraduate students nominated for membership in the society will have declared a major in the College of Health and Human Sciences, have completed 45 semester hours or the equivalent, have 15 or more K-State hours, and have a minimum GPA of 3.5 or rank in the top 10% of their class within the College. Nominated graduate students must be enrolled in one of the College's specializations and have completed 15 semester hours of graduate work at K-State and have a minimum GPA of 3.7. Initiation is held each fall and spring. For more information contact Barbara Anderson.
K-State Student Speech, Hearing and Language Association (KSSSHLA)
The K-State chapter of this national student organization encourages professional interest among college and university students in the study of normal and disordered human communication. All students not yet eligible for membership in the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association are eligible for membership in this student chapter. For more information contact Danielle Schwartz.