State Executive and Advisory Council

The Kansas FCCLA State Executive and Advisory Council consists of:

  • 12 FCCLA assistant district advisers (non-voting members)
  • 12 FCCLA advisory council advisers (voting members)
  • Up to 8 State Executive Council members (voting members)
  • 1 representative from Kansas FCCLA Alumni and Associates (non-voting)
  • 1 representative from Kansas Association of Teachers of Family and Consumer
    Sciences (non-voting)
  • 1 representative from Kansas Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (nonvoting)
  • 1 Kansas FCCLA state adviser (non-voting)
  • 1 FCS Educational State Staff (non-voting)
  • 1 Peer Education Chairperson (voting member)
  • 1 District President (elected by the 12 district presidents) (voting member)

The adviser upon entering the state leadership adviser rotation commits to a three year term in the positions of Assistant District Adviser, Leadership Council Adviser, and District Adviser, respectively. Each adviser who accepts this position MUST complete the adviser agreement form which expresses the support of the high school administration for the adviser's leadership commitment.

State Executive and Advisery Council Agreement

Registration Links

September SEAC meeting

December SEAC meeting

SEAC Minutes