Communication Sciences and Disorders
Communication Sciences and Disorders
Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) is the academic program for the profession of speech-language pathology. It is for undergraduate students interested in human communication (speech and language, reading, writing and hearing) and swallowing for individuals across the lifespan. K-State also offers the M.S. degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders.
Students become involved in the Kansas State Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association, which is a pre-professional organization.
Professional coursework (primarily junior and senior years) provides the framework for a graduate degree in communication sciences and disorders, which is required to become a certified speech-language pathologist or audiologist.
Several professional courses (e.g., Introduction to Phonetics, Structure & Function of the Speech Mechansim, Developmental Psycholinguistics, Language Assessment and Intervention I, Disorders of Articulation and Phonology, and Hearing Science) require:
- Enrollment as CSD major
- Completion of 57 credit hours and
- A minimum of a 3.0 GPA, including both K-State and KSIS-credited transfer coursework
See the Loading... for the bachelor's degree (B.S.) in communication sciences and disorders.
CSD students also participate in clinical observations at the K-State Speech and Hearing Center, as well as educational settings/medical facilities as part of their professional development.