Well-Being Minor

The 15 credit hour well-being minor examines the scholarship on well-being from an integrated and systemic approach within the human sciences and provides evidence-based strategies for enhancing well-being within career pathways as well as implications for one’s own well-being.

Program Requirements

Required Courses (3 credit hours)

HHS 100 – Well-being 1: You and Community (1)
HHS 200 – Well-being 2: Mind and Body (1)
HHS 300 – Well-being 3: Money and Meaning (1)

Elective courses (12 credit hours)

Pick one course from each of the four areas

Community Well-being (3 credit hours)

HDFS 301 – Helping Relationships (3)
ID 210 – Design and Behavior in the Interior Environment (3)
IDFS 350 – Our Sustainable World (3)
DMP 314 – Environmental and Public Health (3)
PSYCH 565 – Occupational Health Psychology (3)

Social Well-being (3 credit hours)

HDFS 250 – Interpersonal and Family Relationships (3)
CNRES 300 – Introduction to Conflict Resolution (3)
CNRES 530 – Coping with Life Crises (3)
THTRE 664 – Creative Drama (3)

Financial Well-being (3 credit hours)

PFP 105 – Introduction to Personal Financial Planning (3)
PFP 320 – Applied Behavioral Finance (3)
HM 230 – Issues in Tourism (3)
FINAN 250 – Personal Investing and Risk Management (3)

Physical Well-being (3 credit hours)

FNDH 132 – Basic Nutrition (3)
FNDH 352 – Personal Wellness (3)
KIN 220 – Biobehavioral Bases of Physical Activity (4)
KIN 380 – Principles of Exercise Training (3)
KIN 385 – Fundamentals of Health and Fitness (3)
ANTH 315 – Introduction to Medical Anthropology & Global Health (3)
EDCEP 103 - Healthful and Safe College Life (3)
PSYCH 518 – Introduction to Health Psychology (3)