Early Childhood Education Minors and Certificates

Early Childhood Teaching LabEarly Childhood Education now has two minors and a certificate program for individuals outside of their program who want to develop skills for working with young children. Links to the catalog are provided for details on program requirements.

Children in Group Settings Minor

The Loading... minor is for students interested in helping professions that work closely with children but who do not necessarily want a teaching license. It is a good fit for professionals such as social workers, couple and family therapists, child life specialists, and more.

Pre-Kindergarten Education Minor

The Loading... minor is specifically for students majoring in Elementary Education or Family and Consumer Sciences who want to add the Pre-Kindergarten qualification to their teaching license. It builds on pre-service teacher education coursework and addresses content knowledge and skills needed for licensed Pre-Kindergarten teachers in Kansas.

  • This minor is also available to graduates who already have their Kansas teaching license.

Early Childhood Consultation Certificate

The Loading... undergraduate certificate will prepare you to:

  • Identify and analyze the unique characteristics of childcare environments and how those impact the health and safety of young children.
  • Demonstrate effective, practice-based coaching skills that support the growth and development of early childhood professionals.
  • Identify the role of child development and developmentally appropriate practice in creating environments that support the health and safety of all children.
  • Analyze and reflect on the skills and characteristics of effective coaches and develop a professional development plan that focuses on continued growth in these areas.
  • Construct knowledge about local, state and national support systems and resources for early childhood providers.