Mehmet Yavuz

Assistant Professor

Contact Information

307 Justin Hall


  • Ph.D. in Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Manitoba
  • M.A. in Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Massachusetts Lowell

Area(s) of Specialization and Interests

  • Peace and Conflict Studies
  • Ethnic Conflict and Peacebuilding
  • Divided Societies
  • Queer Studies / 2SLGBTQIA Studies
  • Youth Participation in Peacebuilding
  • Reconciliation
  • Identity
  • Intergenerational Trauma and Violence
  • Sexuality
  • Community-Engaged Research
  • Qualitative Methodologies
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Cyprus
  • Turkey
  • The Balkans
  • The Middle East

Research, Scholarship, and Creative Endeavors

Dr. Yavuz's research explores the intersections of peacebuilding, identity, activism, and marginalization, with a focus on how these dynamics shape societies and contribute to transformative change. Further, Mehmet’s work critically examines and seeks to disrupt normalized everyday violence - whether direct, structural, or cultural - across various social and cultural spaces.

Mehmet’s current research project focuses on the experiences and perspectives of LGBTQIA+/queer individuals in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This study explores themes of activism, reconciliation, peacebuilding, and social justice, offering insights into the everyday challenges and opportunities faced by LGBTQIA+ individuals.

Prior to joining Kansas State University, Mehmet worked as an instructor at the University of Winnipeg, the University of Manitoba, and Lakehead University.

Mehmet is keen to serve on supervisory committees in his areas of specialization and interests. Students interested in developing research and praxis skills are welcome to join Mehmet’s projects as volunteers or paid Research Assistants (contingent on funding availability).

Courses Taught

CNRES 531- Core Conflict Resolution
CNRES 571- Conflict Resolution: Core Skills and Strategies

Recent and Relevant Publications Include:

Mehmet Yavuz. (2024). The evolution of Pride in post-accord Sarajevo: A journey of visibility and resistance. Peace Review, 1–11.

Mary Jean Hande, Mehmet Yavuz, Susan Rodriguez. (2024). Migrant justice research in crisis times: Developing reflexive, ethical, and responsive pandemic research with immigrant care workers. Studies in Social Justice, 18(3), 570-588.

Mehmet Yavuz and Sean Byrne (2023). The peace is uneasy and needs to be won everyday: Economic assistance and peacebuilding among marginalized groups in Northern Ireland and the Border Area. 30 (1). Peace and Conflict Studies Journal.

Sean Byrne, Brett Mallon and Mehmet Yavuz. (2023). Civil society organizations, the Good Friday Agreement, and the Northern Ireland Peace Process. Special issue in Treatises and Documents: Journal of Ethnic Studies / Razprave in Gradivo, Revijaza narodnostna vprašanja, 90(90): 161-176.

Mehmet Yavuz (2022). The Rise of the “penguin media”, censorship, resistance, and peace journalism: Turkey’s media policies between 2002 and 2020. Peace Research: The Canadian Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies. 54 (2): 60-121.

Mehmet Yavuz, Kelly Gorkoff, Nadine Bartlett, Natassia D’Sena, and Rebeca Heringer (2022). “Train up peers, use their experience, whatever your life experience is”: community mobilization, peacebuilding, and the local turn. Annual Review of Interdisciplinary Justice Research. 11: 11-44.

Kelly Gorkoff, Nadine Bartlett, Mehmet Yavuz, Rebeca Herringer, Natassia D’Sena (2021). Networked architectures of crime prevention: Community mobilization in Manitoba. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice. 63(3-4): 89-111.

Mehmet Yavuz and Sean Byrne (2021). Violence against queer community in Turkey: Implications for peacebuilding and social justice. Journal for Peace & Justice Studies, 30(1): 102-125.