Student Success
Careers in Aging
People around the globe are living longer than ever, creating unprecedented demographic shifts toward an aging population. An aging population needs products and services at a greater scale than ever, creating major opportunities in the public and private sectors. Consider that:
- The U.S. Department of Labor identifies careers in aging as a high-growth area over the next decade.
- Someone turning 65 today has almost a 70% chance of needing long-term care services and supports in their remaining years.
- Adults ages 65 and older spend 96% of their available income on goods and services, vs. 78% for those ages 25-64. This large consumer group seeks products and services ranging from food and entertainment to healthcare and transportation.
- “Commercial businesses are unprepared to meet the needs of aging consumers.” (Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition Study) Researchers identified gaps in available products and services compared to ones that older consumers need and want.
Why do students add a Secondary Major or Minor?
Karlyn Gustin, Secondary Major
Taryn Lonker, Secondary Major