PEAK Resources

Find all your key PEAK resouces here to aid your in your success on your person-centered care implementation.

Action Planning Resources: Action planning is a valuable process to aid organizations in identifying steps necessary to make an idea become a reality. In our fast-paced environments, action plans become tools to keep teams on track. This link takes you to tools your organization can use to action plan.

Person-Centered Care Resources: Person-centered care is the central philosophy that guides the PEAK criteria and translation to practice. Resources at this link highlight best practices, further information, and training across the various aspects of person-centered care.

PCC Lunch and Learn Videos: Monthly trainings from the PEAK team for homes to review criteria and best practices.

Core Area Audits: Maintaining person-centered care practices is as critical as implementing them. The core area audit tools help your teams self-evaluate what is working well within each core area and where there might be signs of trouble. This way your teams can course correct before practices go by the wayside.

Criteria Training Videos: This link provides access to a series of videos on all four PEAK domains.