Greetings from the Center on Aging!
The Center on Aging at Kansas State University is renowned for its excellence in teaching and student preparation, collaborative and interdisciplinary research, and outreach that enhances the well-being of individuals, families, and communities across the lifespan. Whether you are a prospective student, current student, collaborator, partner, or friend of the Center, we invite you to join us in our vision to inspire and create an age-inclusive world for all.
Our award-winning faculty and instructors are dedicated to student success, and we work diligently to prepare current students and professionals to be outstanding and effective in their chosen career in an aging world. We are proud to serve students from a variety of fields across campus – aging affects us all! To ensure we are all prepared to work within an aging society and are well-versed in gerontological principles, we prepare long-term care administrators, health care professionals, dieticians, hospitality professionals, athletic trainers, fashion designers, public health professionals, interior and community designers, financial advisors, social service professionals, agricultural safety professionals, civil engineers, and more. I invite you to participate in a challenge – pick a career path or major at Kansas State University and find a connection to aging. You’ll certainly see the connections everywhere you turn.
The field of gerontology is fast-paced, exciting, and necessary. We work to participate in transformative and applied research and outreach on a variety of topics. We partner with professionals and researchers to develop and enhance aging-related knowledge in the fields of senior services, community engagement, public health, industrial engineering, social work, communication sciences and disorders, chemistry, architecture, English, and so much more. The interdisciplinary reach of the Center on Aging is critical to our success and moving toward our vision.
We welcome your engagement with the Center on Aging – this truly is a collaborative effort. Please join us, and work to inspire an age-friendly world!
To inspire and create an age-inclusive world for all.
To prepare students for success through interdisciplinary experiential learning and engagement, pursue collaborative development of innovative aging-related discovery, and engage in purposeful engagement with diverse individuals, families, and communities that promotes well-being and creates an equitable and age-inclusive world.