Process Update

June 2024

The strategic planning committee and Emergent Method concluded all listening sessions and data gathering at the end of the spring 2024 semester and provided a draft strategic plan to college leadership for review. After incorporating limited feedback, the draft plan is ready for the University June 28th deadline for submission.

View the June Draft plan for HHS (pdf - eID login required)

All college plans will be reviewed by the university strategic officer in coordination with the Provost and executive vice president in August/September of 2024. Thereafter, college Deans will meet with the President, Provost and Executive Vice President, and Senior Vice President and Chief of Staff in August or early September to discuss their draft plans, with feedback provided at these meetings. Additional written feedback on these draft plans may also be provided by the President, Provost, Senior Vice President, or University Strategy Officer to incorporate suggested changes and/or include specific metrics, by capacity, to ensure the cumulative targets of the individual colleges meets the stated targets in the next-gen University Strategic plan. Final plans are due no later than October 1, 2024. The President will provide final approval of all plans. Once plans are approved, deans and vice presidents are responsible for working with department and sub-unit leadership to develop aligned implementation plans, as necessary.

Although the university does not require departments/schools and sub-units to complete formal strategic plans, in HHS, the school directors will work with their faculty/staff and students, in coordination with college leadership, to develop strategic plans in line with the final HHS strategic plan.

View a full breakdown of the planning process and timeline

We thank you for your support and interest in this historic strategic planning process, and we encourage you to stay updated and share your input with our team.

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