
The College of Health and Human Sciences can trace its roots to the early years of Kansas State University when President John Anderson established the "woman’s" course in 1873. The program turned into the Household Economics Course in 1897 and then Domestic Science in 1898 when the program also occupied the newly built Kedzie Hall.

In 1908 the program moved to the newly built, and larger, Calvin Hall, and in 1909 it was reorganized as the Division of Home Economics. Expansion in the programs offered through the division led to the building of Thompson Hall in 1922 and then the Campus Creek Complex in the late 1940s. In 1942 the division was renamed the School of Home Economics and at the 1963 reorganization was renamed the College of Home Economics. In 1960 the College occupied newly built Justin Hall.

The College of Home Economics became the College of Human Ecology in 1986. In 2019, it was renamed as the College of Health and Human Sciences.

The strategic planning process that followed was a crucial initiative mandated at the institution level, distinct from the reorganization efforts within our college. Recognizing the importance of setting a strong foundation, we prioritized completing the reorganization steps before shifting into the strategic planning phase. This approach ensured that we were well-positioned for future success, allowing us to operate effectively within our new organizational structure and better align with the college’s long-term goals. This process started in August 2023 with a robust organizational assessment, led by our consulting partners at Emergent Method.

In August and September 2023, we laid the groundwork for the organizational assessment and strategic planning process by assembling a dedicated core team and initiating a thorough analysis of the college’s current-state data. As part of this data gathering process, over 50 interviews were conducted with internal and external stakeholders, gathering input that provided valuable insights into the college’s dynamics and informed our approach.

By October 2023, we focused on engaging with the departments and units within HHS, holding a series of listening sessions to uncover the strengths and weaknesses of the existing organizational structure and identify areas for better alignment. In parallel, we conducted a comprehensive faculty and staff survey to gather feedback on the college’s organizational challenges, strengths, and opportunities. In November 2023, Emergent Method synthesized desk research and stakeholder engagement findings into a range of potential organizational options. Options were presented to the core team and CCOP for review and consideration, and after discussions, the new organizational structure for HHS was selected in December 2023 and approved by the Kansas Board of Regents in June 2024.